## [seclook (2024)](https://seclook.app/?ref=akatz.org) seclook is a macOS/Swift app that sits in the background and monitors your clipboard, sending any IP, SHA2/MD5 hash, or domain to VirusTotal and AbuseIPDB. If any scanned item has a bad reputation score, you get a notification! ![[CleanShot 2024-08-11 at 13.12.48.png]] ## [seclook-cli (2023)](https://github.com/ackatz/seclook-cli?ref=akatz.org) seclook-cli is a security lookup CLI tool that allows you to query various security services on the fly. It is essentially a wrapper over the `requests` library that removes the need to manually search within Web UIs or write your own requests in Postman or cURL to query these services. ![[Pasted image 20240811131310.png]]