#macos ## OpenAI Web UI * Up until recently, the [web UI](https://chat.openai.com/chat) of OpenAI's ChatGPT was my favorite implementation of the myriad of AI chat interfaces for a few reasons: * It was something I was used to, having used it for 2 years already. * With a Plus subscription, you don't have to create an API key and can expect a fixed cost every month no matter your usage. * You are regularly introduced to new features that are baked into the interface. ## Companion Chat * **Companion Chat** in the [ChatGPT macOS desktop app](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/9275200-using-the-chatgpt-macos-app) is great because it integrates ChatGPT into your desktop experience. * The small chat window is a keyboard shortcut away, whereas before I would have to open a browser, click the bookmark, you get the point... * I realize this is probably not that revolutionary, but this has become my go-to method over the web UI. **Companion Chat** with a keyboard shortcut (`⌃ + Space`)... ![[companion_chatgpt_demo.gif]] ## How to set this up In the ChatGPT macOS Desktop app... 1. Go to **Settings** -> **App** --> **Show ChatGPT** and set that to "Only in Menu Bar". I don't think this is necessarily required, but it keeps things a bit cleaner where you don't have so many ChatGPT icons. ![[CleanShot 2024-10-05 at [email protected]]] 2. In **Settings** -> **Chat Bar**, ensure that you have your preferred keyboard shortcut set. 3. Make sure that **Settings** -> **Chat Bar** -> **Open New Chats** is set to "In Companion Chat". ![[CleanShot 2024-10-05 at [email protected]]]